Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mister & Missy

I'm not sure if it is because I am related to these two or if it is simply because they are this cute, but when I work on pictures of them I sit at my computer with my coffee and laugh and laugh. There have been close calls of nearly spilling and sometimes I need a kleenex for the tears. It is probably just me because I think they are the silliest, most adorable little naughty things and they never cease to crack me up.

They are such stinkers though. This shoot did not go the way I had it in my head, but then do shoots with toddlers under two ever go as you intend? Probably not. My sister in-law and I accumulated and created this ensemble through garage sales and creating and left over wedding paraphernalia. We tried to bring it all together at the end of the day when the sun was already darkened by the storm rolling in and cantankerous little tots ran the show and knew exactly what we were up to. The sad thing is, they are the sweetest, most affectionate little toddler cousins ever ever! that it could have been very adorable had they been their normal lovey-huggy, kissy-kissy selves. But nope. Not with a camera around.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

And Then There Were Siblings

"Sometimes, being a big brother is better than being a superhero."
 Yes, dear readers, our family is growing... And it's hard to decide who is more thrilled... Mommy and Daddy? Or big brother?

A normal conversation with Jimmy goes something like this...

Me, pulling up my shirt: "What's in there, Jimmy?"
Jimmy, in the cutest inflections imaginable: "Baaaaaaaaaaay-by!" 
Followed by kisses and pokes and "Hi Baby!"'s, after which he gently and carefully pulls my shirt down and gently pats my tummy, "Baby go ni-nigh." He whispers.

Our little one is due in February, so that makes me about 12 weeks. I have only had about 6 or 7 days spread out over 2 weeks where I felt poorly. With the exception of a tendency towards exhaustion, extreme hunger and crazy cravings for chocolate I have felt unbelievably good. I love being pregnant! I popped out basically as the pregnancy test turned positive. Helloooo, Baby! And second pregnancies go by so much faster! I seriously can not believe I am already 12 weeks.

We think it's a girl this time. Obviously we could be wrong, but it's hard to not refer to "her" as Baby Girl, and we seem to only discuss girl names (which have so far proven to be futile discussions, she may end up having to be called Thing Two).

Indeed, we are thrilled and blessed and can't wait for Winter!

Saturday, July 14, 2012



When I first started up this blog, I read somewhere that a good blogger blogs at least three times a week. "Pshaw. I got this! Easy." I says to me-self. I also resolved that I would be consistent enough that I would never have to apologize or make excuses for neglect, and on those rare occasions where neglect would inevitably ensue it would be okay. It was my blog. No apology necessary.

But then Summer hit. And with it, a bad case of bloggineglectfulitis.

And things like trips... And weddings to shoot... And out of town guests.

And cute kids getting to know each other.

And a beautiful miniature little garden my husband made for me I just want to soak up and continue to exercise the self control in allowing all things fruitful to grow and mature.

And black and white poka dots! Because they are sooo distracting.

And creation in all of its glory.

I have so many excuses for my neglect. Please accept my apologies. Here's my mid-July resolution to not let this happen again.

And now I have to go because SOMEBODY had to go and make it very necessary for me to make Cinnamon Rolls on this very hot, hot day. But first I want every one to know that the excuses named here barely scratch the surface. I have so many more, but I try not to come across as an excessive excuse-maker.

However (final excuse for the day), do you know what the kicker is?? Our coffee pot broke!!!! Yes, folks, it is amazing that I am even alive... even coherent (some may argue that to be debatable, actually), and not in some caffeine-deficient-induced coma. The good news is that there is a coffeepot due to arrive on my doorstep beginning of this next week. It is all of darling and cutesy too, on top of being reported to make fantabulous coffee, so if I love it as much as I do right now before even meeting it, I shall certainly have to tell you all about it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Thank You, on this Our Independence Day

 To every man and woman in the history of our great nation, 
who--for the sake of our freedom--
willingly gave some 
or  s a c r i f i c i a l l y gave all....

T H A N K   Y O U.

...Two words that seem so trite to express such gratitude, but it's all I have.